Thousands of thoughts must have shot in and out through my mind when she said that. Above all, how could I believe someone I didn’t know to say something like that?
“Why don’t you look like my grandparents?” I asked.
“It’s called a glamour.” Explained Flora. “When we wish to walk among humans, we can change the way others see us. Of course, we have to see them in order for them to see us the way we wish, and it takes a lot of energy, that is why we only came to see you on special occasions.
“It’s not that we didn’t want you to know what we were like. Your mother and father had a talk when she found out she was pregnant and decided it would be best to wait until you came into your power to know. There was no way to know that your father would not allow you to see us after your mother passed.”
“It’s not Daddy’s fault.” I exclaimed, immediately seeing the falsehood in the statement I had just made. “He just didn’t want to confuse me, I’m sure…
“Wait, what do you mean ‘come into your power’?” I asked, realizing her words. “What are you, exactly?”
“Well, sweet one, we are faery.” Flora said slowly. “I am a Flower Fae, I help flowers of plants to grow. Your grandfather is a Frost Fae, every winter, he is partly responsible for the snow and ice. Your mother was a Night Fae. Her dark hair, the sky; her perlescant skin, the stars; her deep violet eyes, the ending sunset.
“And you, dear one, I’m not quite sure what power you hold, but from the looks of things, we shall know soon enough.”
“What do you mean, Flora?” I asked. “Should I call you grandmother Flora?”
“Call me whatever you are comfortable with dearest.” She told me. “You know us now, I no longer plan to disguise myself as an old woman.
“I know that this will not be easy to hear, but as a half Faery woman, there are some things that are different for you than they are for us. While we don’t age, you will, but it will slow down when you turn eighteen. Also, well, this part may be somewhat private, would you like to hear it alone, or would you like Kayde and Syle to stay?”
Kayde stood up, “Now wait just a minute lady, I’ve been quiet until now. You may have her fooled but I’m no-”
“Kayde please,” I said, looking to him with pleading eyes. “Just give us a few moments.”
“Come now boy, it’s nothing to worry about.” Said Syle, as he stood and began to walk out of the room. Kayde looked at me, then turned and followed Syle out of the room.
“Good choice dear. What I meant was that being only half Fae means you don’t come into your powers the way you would expect. Some never do come into their powers.
“You don’t have to work towards this, or watch for it, it will happen when and if it’s meant to. When a half-blood, forgive the term, it’s truly not derogatory, shares an orgasm with another half-blood who they have strong feelings for, they begin to come into their powers.
“I was truly hoping you would want to hear this alone, because Kayde, like yourself is a half-blood, the problem is that he has no idea. You may share this with him, but he likely won’t believe you.”
“How can you tell Flora?” I asked, shocked with this news.
“He may not be, but I assume he could see the arch the same as you could, is that right?” She asked.
“Yes, he could. As clear as day, just as I did.” I answered. “How could you tell we’d… Well, you know, had sex?”
“Ah, that was easy dear.” She said, laughing. “Anytime a woman is given an orgasm, or has sex with someone she cares greatly for, her mood changes, her skin glows, the same way a pregnant woman’s does. And you, my dear sweet one, are absolutely radiant.”
“So, you’re telling me that the cone of light Kayde and I saw earlier was us coming into our… power?” I asked, amazed.
“Yes dear, it was. Come now, let’s join the men in the living room.” Said Flora standing.
Chapter 3, Scene 3
Chapter 3